The Young Scientists 2019 Level 3

Level Select




The Young Scientists Level 3 2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ ✅ 新加坡最受歡迎兒童科學雜誌 🔎💡⌛️🔭🔬 ✅ 新加坡不只科學,數學也是名列前矛! ✅點解咁吸引?🤔 ⭐️以漫畫形式,題材亦生動吸引,配合生活的科學知識 ⭐️睇完仲有個小小Science Assessment 可以挑戰一下💯💡 ✅點解要睇新加坡兒童科學雜誌? ⭐️家長又可以同小朋友一齊睇,增進親子感情 ⭐️培養對數學的興趣學埋英文!👁🧠 ⭐️提升閱讀的興趣 ⭐️刺激對日常生活上有關科學的求知慾 ⭐️有助開發探究和應用技能 ✅小朋友睇書/雜誌有益過睇電視/打機/玩手機/電腦!👩🏼‍🏫 ⭕分4個 Levels 適合小學至初中閱讀 Level 1: Primary 1 and 2 Level 2: Primary 3 and 4 Level 3: Primary 5 and 6 Level 4: Primary 6, Form 1 and Form 2 📚 Level 3 書目 ➡️2019 Level 3 1901 (#183): The Gentle Stingrays ➡️2019 Level 3 1902 (#184): Delicious Jackfruit ➡️2019 Level 3 1903 (#185): ASTUTE SNAKE HUNTERS ➡️2019 Level 3 1904 (#186): How Important is the tail rotor of a helicopter? ➡️2019 Level 3 1905 (#187): Why does the moon appear in the day? ➡️2019 Level 3 1906 (#188): The Moons over Chengdu City ➡️2019 Level 3 1907 (#189): A Tsunami is Here ➡️2019 Level 3 1908 (#190): Smart Classes for Training Fire Fighters ➡️2019 Level 3 1909 (#191): Why is Whale Poo So Expensive? ➡️2019 Level 3 1910 (#192): A Morning Frolic in the Snow ➡️2019 Level 3 全套 💰單本 $50/1本 💰全套(1個Level) $450/10本

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